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11 July 2022



Shaiju NARAYANAN ,  Field Mechanical Engineer & Workshop Manager – LDPL

1) Could you summarize your career and present your current position? Could you please specify if you have evolved within the Louis Dreyfus Armateurs group? 

I have more than 18 years of experience in project management and maintenance of bulk material handling systems, such as crusher, screening and heavy machinery. 

In 2019, I Joined LDPL as a field mechanical engineer. In 2020, I was promoted field mechanical engineer and workshop manager.

Today, my responsibilities are to supervise the maintenance activities on gantry type ship, the smooth unloading operation of cranes and the run of heavy machinery, for the Hassyan power plant in Dubaï, UAE. I also provide technical support to superintendents and onboard crews about the ship unloader system on our transshipment units.

2) What do you like the most about your job?

Every day I gain knowledge and I get exposure to prove my expertise.  I enjoy the freedom I have to explore and implement the solutions based on my experience. This is what I like the most about my day-to-day job.

3) About your job: would you have a significant story or event to share?

I had the great opportunity to work for the commissioning of the onboard ship unloader system on 3 vessels : Al Maria, Al Hamra and ALM Loura. The ALM Loura vessel is dedicated to our operations in Guinea.

Furthermore, the commissioning and the first cargo operation of ALM Loura took place during the pandemic period. Due to travel restrictions, the installation team of the ship unloader was only able to provide us with remote support. It was very challenging for my team and I to perform the installation ourselves, but we achieved it successfully! 

I was also involved in the training sessions for onboard crews to learn about the ship unloader system.  

For the Hassyan project I was involved in the set-up of the maintenance system for shore facilities, the workshop functions and also the inventory system for the warehouse. It is a great record in my career path.  

4) What is your motto?

“Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.” Dalai Lama.