12 July 2019
Event – World Environment Day (5 June)
Thank you to our LDA Group colleagues for being so committed during the last month Sustainable Development Week (30 May-5 June) and World Environment Day (5 June).
During this period, many of us shared truly good advice and best practices at our Head and local offices, in France and abroad, on land or at sea whether professional or personal!
This Celebration Event was the occasion to share and highlight:
– Slow Steaming : the fight of President Philippe Louis-Dreyfus; a measure that he has been defending for many years;
– Best practices on land or at sea;- Best hashtags reflecting our eco-citizen commitments for the planet: #awareness #plasticfree #recycle…
– Eco-friendly lunch offered by an eco-responsible caterer specializing in sustainable / zero waste eco-friendly and seasonal buffets;
– Special “Environmental issues” Quiz using mobile phones (do you get all answers about environmental sustainability?);
– Our 100% #louisdreyfusarmateurs Carpooling Platform.
Beyond this event and before leaving for our Summer Vacations, let’s keep in mind that we could all make the difference everyday and the whole year!