17 March 2020
Safety is the first of our core values. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment to seafarers and onshore personnel.
In this Covid-19 outbreak period, LDA’s Executive Management has been paying close attention to our employees’ health and work conditions. The members of our crisis unit have been monitoring any changes in the situation and general guidelines.
We will get through this storm and this crisis together. We know that we can count on each of you, on your efforts, but also on this deep feeling of belonging and solidarity that connects us all to this world. The world needs – today more than ever – our attention, our efforts and great solidarity.
Our work conditions have fundamentally changed, at least for a while. We welcome precious effort and involvement of all our sailors on board and onshore. Their health and safety are also top priorities for all of us.
In compliance with worldwide, and particularly French measures to limit the spread of Covid-19, please be informed that our offices in France are closed for an indefinite period. We now continue our operational activities by teleworking. Our teams remain available by phone, email, Teams or Skype.
Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group